Fr. Liam and the Priests of the Parish would like to sincerely thank all those who worked so hard to sell tickets in these difficult economic times and we hope people will continue to support the Parish Lotto into the future.
After another very successful year, our Parish Lotto continues into 2017 commencing on Wednesday, 14th December 2016. If you think you could even sell a couple of tickets, on a weekly basis, to your friends, family or neighbours please contact the Parish Office, Sallins Road, or the draw Office at the Church of the Irish Martyrs, Ballycane or further information can be had from the Draw Secretary on 086 1635994.
Tickets cost €2 each, or an Annual Membership costing €90. You can also pay by Standing Order where €8 per month will be deducted from your bank account. Tickets can also be purchased from the following outlets:- Menswear, Londis, Nolans Butchers, Barker & Jones, Stationery Store, Veritas, The Soda Bread Shop, Gouldings Hardware and Swans on the Green. Remember you can join the Lotto anytime. If you would like to join the Parish Lotto Draw or renew your Annual Subscription please complete your details below and return it to your promoter, The Parish Office or Ballycane Office. If you’re not in you can’t win!!