Sincere congratulations to twenty-one young people from the Parishes of Naas, Sallins and TwoMileHouse who recently received their Pope John Paul Awards at Bronze, Silver, Gold and Papal Cross level. These Awards are presented by the Diocese of Kildare and Leighlin to young people in Senior Cycle in Secondary School or in College who serve their Parish, School and Community. Each young person is committed to playing an active role in Parish life, contributing to their school in a meaningful way, and volunteering in a social awareness project within the community. The projects this year range from shopping for older people cocooning during lockdown to serving as Ministers of the Word at Mass, from coaching children’s sports teams to producing videos for the First Communion classes, from Tidy Towns to prayer on Zoom. We are grateful for their involvement in our parish, and look forward to seeing them continue this involvement into the future.
Bishop Denis Nulty presented Papal Crosses to Coilin Campbell, Peter Cowley, and Paula Hennessy on October 13th at a socially distanced Awards Ceremony in Carlow Cathedral, and the Parish presented the Bronze, Silver and Gold Awards to the rest of the group at Mas son Saturday evening, 16th October. Thank you to the Youth Ministry Team and particularly to the award leaders who enabled this to happen!