Retired Detective Sergeant. Peacefully, at Naas General Hospital. Beloved son of the late Dan and Bridie, loving brother of Danny, John, Maurice, Bill, Teresa, Patricia and the late Noeleen. Forever loved and very sadly missed by his loving family, sisters-in-law, nieces, nephews, extended family, neighbours and friends.
May Charles rest in peace
Reposing at the George Mullins Funeral Home, Kilcullen Road, Naas (Eircode W91CD0K) on Tuesday 28th January from 12 noon to 2pm with prayers at 1:30pm.
Funeral will take place on Wednesday 29th January with Requiem Mass at 12 noon in the Church of Our Lady and St. David, Naas (to livestream Mass please click here), followed by Cremation at Newlands Cross Crematorium.