Peacefully at St. James’s Hospital, beloved son of the late Lena and Tom and brother of the late Joe and Paddy. Deeply regretted by his loving brother Lar, sister Ann, brother-in-law Tom, sisters-in-law Alison and Bridget, nieces, nephews, relatives, neighbours and friends.
May Maurice Rest In Peace
Reposing at Oliver Reilly’s Funeral Home, The Waterways, Sallins (W91 K6PN) on Thursday from 4-8pm, with prayers at 6.30pm. Removal from Oliver Reilly’s Funeral Home, The Waterways, Sallins on Friday at 10.30am to arrive at The Church of Our Lady & the Guardian Angels, Sallins for 11am funeral mass, followed by burial in Bodenstown Cemetery. To live stream Funeral Mass please use this link