Easter Sunday day-time Mass Times
Easter Sunday day-time Mass Times Naas Parish Church: 9.00am, 11.00a.m. (PLEASE NOTE: No Evening Mass) Ballycane:– 10.30a.m. & 12noon. Sallins:– 10.00a.m. & 12 noon Two-Mile House:– 11.00a.m. The Easter Collection for the support of the priests of the parish will take place at all Easter Vigil and Easter Sunday Masses.
Naas Easter Parade
The Naas Easter Parade will take place on Easter Sunday, 21st April at 3pm.
Mass Times for Weekdays following Easter Sunday
Monday to Friday: 10.00am mass in Naas Parish Church ONLY. Saturday Morning: 10.00am mass in Naas Parish Church. (Normal mass times resume on Saturday evening - See above Mass Timetable). PLEASE NOTE: No 7.30am or 7.30pm mass in Naas or 10am mass in Sallins during Easter Week. No Friday 7.30pm Mass in Two Mile House
Clean-up of Ballycane Church Grounds
Would you be free Monday 10th June from 7pm to 8.30pm to help sweep, edge grass, tidy shrubs and clear weeds and litter etc in Ballycane Church Grounds? We would love to see you there. Bring a spade, hoe or brush if possible. Paper pickers and some gloves supplied. Meet at Church car park. Naas […]
Vigil of Prayer in Ballycane Church
Parishioners are invited tome together on Friday 28th June for the Feast of the Sacred Heart as we will keep a vigil of prayer in Ballycane Church. We will begin with Mass at 7.30pm, followed by exposition of the Blessed Sacrament with moments of both guided prayer and silent adoration until Midnight, when we will […]
Holy Day – Feast of the Assumption
Tuesday Vigil Mass (14th August) Ballycane Church:- 7.30pm only Wednesday Masses (15th August) Naas Parish Church:- 7.30am & 10.00am only Two Mile House Church: 9.15am only Sallins Church:- 10.00am only
Naas Solemn Novena – Fr. Richard Gibbons – Knock Shrine
Friday 4th Oct 7.30pm: Fr. Richard Gibbons: Parish Priest and Rector of Knock Shrine Solemn Novena to Our Lady of Perpetual Help for Naas, Sallins and Two Mile House Parishes. From Friday 4th to Saturday 12th October inclusive, in the Church of Our Lady & St. David, Naas. Rosary recited before Mass and congregational singing […]
Blessing of Pets
The 4th October, is the Feast Day of St Francis of Assisi. In celebration of this day, all are welcome to join us for a Blessing of Pets outside the Parish Church of Our Lady & St David, Naas on Saturday 5th October at 12 noon.
Naas Solemn Novena: Olive Foley: Wife of the late ‘Axel’ Foley
Saturday 5th Oct 6.00pm: Olive Foley: Wife of the late Anthony 'Axel' Foley Solemn Novena to Our Lady of Perpetual Help for Naas, Sallins and Two Mile House Parishes. From Friday 4th to Saturday 12th October inclusive, in the Church of Our Lady & St. David, Naas. Rosary recited before Mass and congregational singing will […]
Tuesday 8th October: Oisin McConville: Former Armagh Gaelic footballer and now sports broadcaster with RTE radio and television. Solemn Novena to Our Lady of Perpetual Help for Naas, Sallins and Two Mile House Parishes. From Friday 4th to Saturday 12th October inclusive, in the Church of Our Lady & St. David, Naas. Rosary recited before […]