St Joseph’s Young Priests Society
St Joseph’s Young Priests Society next meeting takes place tomorrow, Monday 9th April at 8pm in the Parish Centre at the Church of the Irish Martyrs, Ballycane. Adoration from 8pm to 9.30pm
Clothing Collection – Friends of Calcutta
Clothing Collection supporting the Friends of Calcutta, takes place on Tuesday coming 10th April. All wearable clothing, footwear, curtains etc can be left up to 4pm sharp at Ballycane Church Car Park. All enquiries to Michael at 087 9073074. To view a short film which captures the joy of what your generosity has funded this […]
Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament – Sallins
Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament on Tuesday coming 10th April from 10.30am -11am.
Coffee Morning
Coffee Morning resumes on Wednesday coming 11th after the 10am Mass in the Parochial House….come and join us for a cuppa and a chat
A.G.M. Friends of Naas Hospital
A.G.M. The Friends of Naas Hospital AGM takes place on Wednesday coming 11th April at 5pm in the Education Room, Naas General Hospital
Naas Toastmasters Club
Naas Toastmasters Club next meeting on Wednesday 11th April at 8pm in the Town House Hotel, Newbridge Road. Guests and new members always welcome. See us at
Legion of Mary Annual Acies Ceremony
Legion of Mary Annual Acies Ceremony will take place on Sunday next 15th April in the Domician College, Newbridge at 2.30pm with Mass at 5.30pm. All are very welcome, especially all Auxiliary Members.
Scripture Sharing
Scripture Sharing resumes on Monday 16th April at 8pm in the Parochial House. Bring a Bible.
Parish Conversations
As part of our preparation for the World Meeting of families in Dublin this August you are invited to meet with parishioners from our neighbouring parishes for some chat and reflection on family life in the world today. The get - togethers will be held in the Church of the Irish Martyrs, Ballycane for five […]
Little Blessings Children’s Liturgy Group
Little Blessings Children’s Liturgy Group will take place on Sunday 22nd April during 10.30am Mass, at the Church of the Irish Martyrs, Ballycane . All children over 4 years of age are welcome. The children will hear an age appropriate version of the gospel or other Bible Story.