This is a list of all parish and community groups and notices which relate to each. Click on the group name below for more information.
Altar Servers - OLSD and Ballycane
Trish O'Neill
Church of Our Lady and St. David, Sallins Road
Phone: 045-879730
Email: [email protected]
Apostolic Society
Tess O'Halloran
Phone: 045 876 138
The Apostolic Society supports the Mission activity of the Church. We are a group whose work is the making of…
Ballycane Church Choir
Bernard Hennessy - Choir Director
Phone: 087 235 2545
We sing at the 10.30am mass in Ballycane Church most Sundays. We have a great group with about 50 members.…
Care for the Elderly – Athy Hospital Visitation
Marie Kelly
Phone: 087 610 0159
Mary Hade
Phone: 087 610 0159
One of the main activities carried out by this group is organising the annual get together for the Naas residents…
Children’s Choir, Parish Church
Aine Loughran
Phone: 0868175184
The Children’s Choir sing on the second Saturday of each month at the 6pm Mass in the Church Our Lady…
Divine Mercy Prayer Group
Mary Mooney
Phone: 045 866 329
The Divine Mercy Group encourage prayer in the spirit of Divine Mercy.
- Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
Funeral Ministry Team
Funeral Ministry Coordinator
c/o Naas Parish Office,
Sallins Road,
Phone: 045-879730
Email: [email protected]
Belonging to a parish calls all members to participate in the life of the parish. We are called, based…
Gospel Choir, Parish Church
Cathy Quinn
Phone: 086-8941919
The Gospel choir sing every second week at the 6pm. Mass on Sunday evening in the Parish Church, Sallins Road.…
Holy Face of Jesus
Caoimhe 085 2525 612
Holy Face of Jesus Prayer Meeting held every Wednesday after the 7.30pm Mass/Prayer Services in Room…
John Paul II Youth Award
Grace Keevans
Phone: 087-9838343
Trish O'Neill
Phone: 087 659 4858
Caroline Quinn
Legion of Mary
Phone: 087 995 9922
The Legion of Mary have a long tradition in Ireland promoting devotion to Our Lady.
- Liturgy Group
Naas Parish Pastoral Council
Celine Maguire
c/o Parish Office
Phone: 045 879730
Naas St. Vincent de Paul Society
Get Involved call us
Phone: 045 897 3060
The St. Vincent de Paul Society was established to help people in need. We welcome new members to help with…
Parish Choir, Parish Church
Phone: 045 897 854
The Parish Choir normally sing at the 10a.m. Mass on Sunday mornings at the Church of Our Lady & St.…
Youth Ministry Team
Trish O'Neill
Phone: 0876594858
Email: [email protected]
Grace Keevans, Caroline Quinn, Pat Breslin, Fr Robert, Chris Wilson
Our Parish Youth Ministry Team organises and encourages the involvement of young people in parish life and ministry.
If you…
Active Retirement Association
For more details -
Phone: 045 876 365 / 087-2853792
If you would like more information on Naas Active Retirement Association please call us.
Phone: 087 2929315
Alateen is a place where members come together to:
-share experiences, strength, and hope with each other to -find effective…
Alcoholics Anonymous
Alcoholics Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that…
Naas Bingo
Every Tuesday at 8p.m. at the Naas Care of the Aged Centre, Newbridge Road. Everyone welcome.
Moat Theatre
For more details -
The Moat Theatre,
Co. Kildare
Phone: 045 883 032
Email: [email protected]
The Moat Club was formed in the early 1950′s, its object to provide Naas with suitable facilities for drama and table tennis. In…
Naas Care of the Aged Association
Chairperson: Mary Burke Spratt
Phone: 086 8178790
Secretary: Siobhan Phelan
Phone: 087 675 4737
Treasurer: Gwen Byrne
Phone: 085 203 9327
The Care of the Aged Association Centre, Newbridge Road, Naas, is very active in caring for the elderly and organises…
McAuley Place
McAuley Place provides residential living for older persons, there are rooms available for hire and a cafe open to residents…
Naas Community Mens Shed
Rathasker Road
County Kildare
(Turn at Flemings Bike Shop)
Phone: 0868173469
A Men’s Shed is any community-based, non-commercial organisation which brings men together to share stories, skills and teabags!!
Mon, Wed,…
Naas Lions Club
The Lions Club of Naas has been serving the local community of Naas and Sallins for 30 years. The Club…
Naas Local History Group
Ger McCarthy
10 Lakelands,
Co. Kildare
Phone: 045 879 108
Meetings: 1st. Tuesday of the month (From October to April)
Location: Naas Library at 7.45 p.m. (by Kind Permission of…
Naas Musical Society
Naas MS is a community centred society that loves to welcome new members who can avail of opportunities in all…
Naas Tidy Towns
Naas Tidy Towns is a voluntary organisation. One of our main aims is to make our town a nicer place…
Scouts Ireland – Naas
Joy Coy
Phone: 086 163 5994
For information about Scouts Ireland in Naas contact Jo Coy.
Suicide Bereavement Group
Phone: 045 871 340; KSBSG mobile : 086 855 4852
The Kildare Suicide Bereavement Support Group offers support and counselling, not only for people who have been affected by suicide,…
Parish Pastoral Council
Chairperson: Marian Swan
Phone: 087-4449951
Safeguarding Children - Contact: Keith Murphy
Phone: 045-879730
Sallins Church Choir
Sallins Church Choir sing at the 10am. Mass on Sunday Mornings.
We always welcome new members, so if you… -
Sallins Conference of St Vincent de Paul
For more details -
Phone: 085 7052 294
If you need assistance or if you would like to volunteer to help with our work please contact us.
- Sallins Finance Committee
Sallins Legion of Mary
Legion of Mary meets on Tuesday’s in Sallins Community Centre after 10am Mass.
- Sallins Community Council
Sallins Tidy Towns
Sallins Tidy Towns welcome new volunteers. Why not consider getting involved?
You will be most welcome to join in our…
Sallins Tuesday Club
Tuesday Club meets from 2pm-4.30pm in the Sallins Community Centre. New members welcome.
This is a social afternoon held every second…
Sult na Sollan – Traditional Irish Music
Sult na Sollan meet in the Community Hall, Sallins on Wednesday night at 9pm.
All are welcome to come along.
Two Mile House Church Choir
Harry Goff
Phone: 087-2460731
The Choir sing at the 11a.m. on Sunday mornings. We always welcome new members, so if you would like to…